
dinsdag 26 februari 2019

(Work) Train EAT Sleep Repeat

During the years we progressed in more, harder and faster... This year is not different!
There are a number of things you can adjust to perform better, but you can't do everything at the same time. Our bodies perform the best in routines and if you want to change a routine it's best to overthink it and progress slowly.

The previous seasons we upgraded our material, we invested in a camper and finetuned our training. This winter I slightly adjusted my diet. Not masively because I wasn't doing to bad, but every little thing can help to become faster and stronger.

Next to the seminaries and documentaries I followed we also get the professional support of Frigyes Vanden Auweele.

What I've learned? That I have to keep it simple...
A traditional diet is loaded with carbs, carbs and carbs. Which is not necessarily bad if I burn all the energy loaded in the high carb food, but let's be honest even if I train like a freak you hardly burn all of it. Not burned calories turn into fat...
And that's the last thing I want if I want to watch my weight.

I started to eat less high energy or grey carbs (pasta, rice, bread, patatos,...) and eat more green carbs through vegetables and fruit.
I don't feel less energetic and I'm able to get trough the day without a hungry feeling, with some weak moments 😝 I lost some weight (mostly fat) and I feel strong. Hope I can keep it this way...

So fingers crossed for coming season!

Like I mentioned keep it simple. During busy weeks, read always, it might be dificulte to eat the rirght ting at then right time in the right quantaty.
This is what I do...

1. SUNDAY PREPDAY: I prepare almost all my lunches and dinners
During winter those are easy to cook ovenmeals with lots of vegetables and chicken or fish.

2. FRIDGE MANAGEMENT: I make a shoppinglist and have a very good idea on what we eat when and how much I need, so things don't turn bad. If I have leftovers I make quiche so I have another low carb healthy meal.

3. SOUP: Once a week I make about 4 liters of fresh vegetable soup. It's mainly vegetables, stock and herbs that go in.

4. BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE BOWL: Breakfast is my favorite meal 😍 When I go swimming or running in the morning before breakfast I enjoy it even more. If I don't have a lot of time I make it the evening before. So I only have to add homemade granola and some fresh fruits!

5. CHEATMEAL: Food is a big part of our social life. We like to reward ourselves and loved ones with food during parties, birthdays, ...
Often I get the comment "you can have that, you'll train it off". Maybe true but you don't want to shof down everything because you won't get lean. But once a week you can have a treat, plan it ahead. So you don't have to do awkward at that party, or family dinner, or when your collegues treat you at work.

6. HEALTHY ≠ LOW CALORIE: Some products like salmon, avocado, nuts... are very healthy, but they are high calorie products, so it's not because you are eating healthy you will lose weigth. Try to get your activity in balance with your consumption. And check lables or websites on calorie amounts.

And remember healthy food doesn't have to be boring!

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